Rob Dyer talks more content on-disc, less through DLC

psnlogo2The continued rise of downloadable content is there for a reason – it potentially prolongs game lifespan, it adds more flavor to the retail copy, and in many ways, encourages gamers to hold on to their copies which in turn may keep it from going to the used game sales. But if you ask Rob Dyer, he’d rather have the content in the discs and not sold online.

psnThe continued rise of downloadable content is there for a reason – it potentially prolongs game lifespan, it adds more flavor to the retail copy, and in many ways, encourages gamers to hold on to their copies which in turn may keep it from going to the used game sales. But if you ask Rob Dyer, he’d rather have the content in the discs and not sold online.


To make a long story short, the SCEA VP wants 100% of those who got the game to have access to all content. “What are we, north of 70 percent [of PS3 owners] on the [PlayStation Network] now? 73, I think. Microsoft probably the same… [That’s] still a significant number of people that aren’t able to get [it], whether they don’t have broadband, whether they just flat out can’t get on the network. Whether or not you do it, they’re not using it. I want it on the disc, that way when they buy it, they get it. So, if I can do that, that’s great.”


Even so, Dyer still recognizes the advantages of additional content. “Now, you can talk about why DLC is important to help limit the used game business and to keep people holding onto [the game],” he said. “I’m all about that, too. I love that. But I want it on the disc so that 100 percent out there that can play this thing.”


The SCEA exec also talks about how downloadable content is being used for pre-orders and retailer tie-ups. “What has now happened is that you go to a publisher or developer and say, ‘Look, guys. You got to start planning things in like pre-sale. What’s your pre-sale DLC? What are you going to do for the Amazons, the GameStops, or whoever has that presale?'”


So if you’re giving up on DLC, you’d be giving up on the advantages that it provides. For Dyer, it’s a matter of answering a few questions: “So, you have to literally plan this in your [pre-production] in order to make sure you have the time, the assets, the resources because it’s not just about used games; it’s about, ‘How do I get more pre-sale business, which absolutely determines my day-one initial orders. Am I going to get support from a first-party? How am I going to do that?”


So basically, Rob Dyer wants to provide pre-order business, encourage players to hold on to the disc, and get 100% of the buyers to enjoy 100% of the game – all without resorting to downloadable content. Sony doesn’t appear to be taking his vision as they do business, still, perhaps if the SCEA VP finds an answer, we might see some changes in the Sony business model.






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