Royal Navy issues PSP to their sailors

PSP - Image 1And Sony‘s gladly taking it to the marines. After hearing yet another story of how video games are being used to enhance education (Beaterator subs for music teachers in NY public schools), the Times Online now reports that the British Royal Navy has been giving out a nifty little handheld gadget to their sailors, and it’s not to provide them entertainment. It’s for them to pass their exams. Well, okay, of course entertainment’s an offshoot of that too.

Royal Navy - Image 1And Sony‘s gladly taking it to the marines. After hearing yet another story of how video games are being used to enhance education (Beaterator subs for music teachers in NY public schools), the Times Online now reports that the British Royal Navy has been giving out a nifty little handheld gadget to their sailors, and it’s not to provide them entertainment. It’s for them to pass their exams. Well, okay, of course entertainment’s an offshoot of that too.

The PSP has been passed around to these sailors so that they will be able to read and listen to  their course materials even while on board. They can also supposedly practice for their on-screen tests using the PSP. Talk about living up to its “Portable” name, huh.

Here’s how the Navy thought of this brilliant plan:

The idea was developed at the maritime warfare school at HMS Collingwood in Fareham, Hampshire, which trains electrical engineers for the Navy. Alarmed that a quarter of ratings were having to drop out and retake courses, inductors decided on a new approach.

Consoles will be issued to sailors three months or so before they begin studying at HMS Collingwood, enabling them to prepare subjects in advance, particularly maths, which is crucial. Well what do you know.  A school that requires the PSP to their students.

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Via Times Online

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