RUMOR: New secret operative in the works, Jason Bourne

The Bourne Series - Image 1 

We have an entire arsenal of super spies (Ian Fleming’s James Bond), super operatives (Tom Clancy endorsed Sam Fisher and MGS’ Solid Snake), and counter-terrorist units (Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six) to keep us entertained. But how’s about another one?

Jason Bourne from the Robert Ludlum Bourne series might just be the next one to join the ranks of save-the-world game heroes. GamesRadar saw a blip on their screens about the Bourne film series (starring Matt Damon) being developed as a game. Their general contention is that the game might be released during the time-frame of the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum’s release on the silver screen.

Most probably set for next gen consoles, GamesRadar says that Vivendi SA is a video game developer; formerly known as Vivendi Universal”>Vivendi Universal might be handling the game since the films are from Universal Studios. Keep your fingers crossed.

The Bourne Series - Image 1 

We have an entire arsenal of super spies (Ian Fleming’s James Bond), super operatives (Tom Clancy endorsed Sam Fisher and MGS’ Solid Snake), and counter-terrorist units (Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six) to keep us entertained. But how’s about another one?

Jason Bourne from the Robert Ludlum Bourne series might just be the next one to join the ranks of save-the-world game heroes. GamesRadar saw a blip on their screens about the Bourne film series (starring Matt Damon) being developed as a game. Their general contention is that the game might be released during the time-frame of the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum’s release on the silver screen.

Most probably set for next gen consoles, GamesRadar says that Vivendi SA is a video game developer; formerly known as Vivendi Universal”>Vivendi Universal might be handling the game since the films are from Universal Studios. Keep your fingers crossed.

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