Rumor – New Street Fighter IV character revealed
According to a recent picture of a displayed Street Fighter IV (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) console game, there’s going to be one more returning character. Unique to the home edition this February 2009: Rose the Fortune Teller.
Truth? Falsehood? Check out the pic for yourself in the full article.
So who else made it into Street Fighter IV (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) home edition? Rumor says: Rose from the Street Fighter Alpha series.
The fortune teller from Genoa was allegedly spotted among the playable characters on a SF 4 console game that was on display in the N.E.X.T. Expo show in Belgium. The proof is in the pic shown here (click for the bigger version):
Of course, I’m not much of an expert on detecting clever Photoshop jobs so I’ll refrain from giving my opinion on the authenticity of this picture. What do you think? Can we expect Rose to make an appearance? Did she survive her bout with Bison back in Street Fighter Alpha 3?
Time will tell this February 2009.
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Via Shoryuken