Rumor: Rockstar Toronto to do Max Payne 3

don't call me Marky! - Image 1The buzz just keeps getting stronger as to the rumor of a Max Payne 3 title coming. But unlike vague speculations before, the new word is that Rockstar Toronto will be the one taking care of it.

Maxy Max by Marky Mark - Image 1This is one rumor that just won’t quit. Last August, it was said in EGM that Rockstar is taking care of what would be the third installation of the Max Payne series. Today, we have another magazine, Xbox  World 360, reiterating those claims.

According to the mag, Rockstar Toronto will be the one handling the project. Says the mag,

While Rockstar aren’t patently going to be able to bang the game out in time to coincide with Marky Mark Wahlberg’s forthcoming cinematic portrayal of New York’s most tragic cop, we’re guessing they’re at least going to ride in the back of it.

That does make sense, especially if you think about all this videogame-Hollywood tie-ups being the rage nowadays. But the bigger question is, who the heck  still calls Mark Wahlberg “Marky Mark”?


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