SCEE Studio Liverpool hiring senior designer for new action title
Something’s cooking over at the SCEE Studio Liverpool offices, and they need your help. If you happen to be a designer, that is.
Something’s cooking over at the SCEE Studio Liverpool offices, and they need your help. If you happen to be a designer, that is.
A post for senior designer is open, and it’s “to pitch in on a yet-unannounced title”. Other requirements that SCEE wants the candidate to have is an understanding of “the vision of the game director”, previous experience as a senior designer “[which] shipped at least one successful action game”, “can demonstrate [these] designs in a successful game, “encyclopedic knowledge of games, especially 3rd/ 1st person action,” etcetera.
An action game, huh. Interesting. If you think you’re the one they’re looking for, then good luck!
Via [PlayStation Jobs]