Secret Mounts you’ll probably never ever see…

Annoyed with the apparent demand for the “Saltwater Snapjaw?” Don’t fret. We found this article ot Gameworld Network Detailing the means and methods to get several stand out rare mounts that can surely help your avatar turn heads and take names.

The article is a bit lengthy and goes into the history surrounding the bosses that StarCraft, Diablo Series”>Blizzard chose to drop said mount, so we’ll leave those bits out. We’ll just give you guys the important parts, which is, how to get the mount, or more accurately how impossible it is to get that mount.

Not really news, but it’s a little something you can work on while you wait for these to show up.


The Deathcharger.
Who drops it? Baron Rivendare, leader of the Scourge forces in Stratholme.
How rare is it? The drop rate is an amazing 0.01%
What makes it so cool? It looks like an epic undead mount. The perfect ride for Aliiance players.

Swift Zulian Tiger.
Who drops this? The High Priest of the Tiger God
How rare is it? It has a very, very probable 0.5% Oh yay.
Why does it rock? Makes you feel like He-Man, Master of the Universe.

Get the next two mounts after the Jump!

Annoyed with the apparent demand for the “Saltwater Snapjaw?” Don’t fret. We found this article ot Gameworld Network Detailing the means and methods to get several stand out rare mounts that can surely help your avatar turn heads and take names.

The article is a bit lengthy and goes into the history surrounding the bosses that StarCraft, Diablo Series”>Blizzard chose to drop said mount, so we’ll leave those bits out. We’ll just give you guys the important parts, which is, how to get the mount, or more accurately how impossible it is to get that mount.

Just a little something you can work on while you wait for these to show up.


The Deathcharger.
Who drops it? Baron Rivendare, leader of the Scourge forces in Stratholme.
How rare is it? The drop rate is an amazing 0.01%
What makes it so cool? It looks like an epic undead mount. The perfect ride for Aliiance players.

Swift Zulian Tiger.
Who drops this? The High Priest of the Tiger God
How rare is it? It has a very, very probable 0.5% Oh yay.
Why does it rock? Makes you feel like He-Man, Master of the Universe.


Swift Razzashi Raptor
Who drops this? Bloodlord Mandokir
How Rare is it? You’ll see this 0.2% of the time. Start Praying.
Why is this so evil? If you’ve watched Jurassic Park, you’ll know why Raptors are evil.

Black Qiraji Battle Tank
How to get this? This odd Starcraft-esque mount can only be had after a long quest chain, during the opening of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj, a one-time server event.
How Rare is it? Once the gates open no one will ever be able to get the mount again on the server. If you don’t have this mount and the gate has already opened in your server, your only chance is to join a new server and work towards the “Bang a Gong” quest. You’ll only get a 10 hour window during the war with which to receive the Black Qiraji Battle Tank.
Why, oh why, oh why? If you manage to snag one of these, you’re riding something that should most likely be in Worlds of Starcraft. If that isn’t reason enough, we don’t know.

Those are the mounts folks. You can now spend 15 hours a day trying to get them. Good luck.


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