Sega to bring four retro titles to VC

Sonic Spinball for the Virtual Console - Image 1

Sega America and Sega Europe just announced that they will soon be adding four retro Sega titles to the Wii’s growing Virtual Console line up. The titles that they will be releasing in one of the Wii’s regular VD updates would be Sword of Vermillion, Vectorman, Sonic Spinball, and Beyond Oasis. All titles can be purchased for 800 Wii Points.

Sword of Vermilion was originally released in 1990, and is remembered as the first game that was designed by the game designer Yu Suzuki, who later went on to create Out Run and Virtua Fighter. It was also the last RPG for the Sega Genesis that came with a guide book. As for Vectorman, it was released in 1995 and was known for the use of pre-rendered 3D models in its level and character designs, even though the game itself was actually a 2D platformer. The game consisted of 16 levels.

Sonic Spinball was released in 1993 for the Sega Genesis, but was later ported to the Game Gear. It was also released on the Master System in 1994. Lastly, Beyond Oasis first made its appearance in 1994, and is also known by its other name, The Story of Thor, in Europe and Japan. It is a prequel to the Sega Saturn title Legend of Oasis which was released in 1996. Another notable bit about Beyond Oasis is that its music was composed by Yuzo Koshiro who is known for his work on Streets of Rage, Super Adventure Island, Shenmue, Namco X Capcom, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Etrian Odyssey.

Sonic Spinball for the Virtual Console - Image 1

Sega America and Sega Europe just announced that they will soon be adding four retro Sega titles to the Wii’s growing Virtual Console line up. The titles that they will be releasing in one of the Wii’s regular VD updates would be Sword of Vermillion, Vectorman, Sonic Spinball, and Beyond Oasis. All titles can be purchased for 800 Wii Points.

Sword of Vermilion was originally released in 1990, and is remembered as the first game that was designed by the game designer Yu Suzuki, who later went on to create Out Run and Virtua Fighter. It was also the last RPG for the Sega Genesis that came with a guide book. As for Vectorman, it was released in 1995 and was known for the use of pre-rendered 3D models in its level and character designs, even though the game itself was actually a 2D platformer. The game consisted of 16 levels.

Sonic Spinball was released in 1993 for the Sega Genesis, but was later ported to the Game Gear. It was also released on the Master System in 1994. Lastly, Beyond Oasis first made its appearance in 1994, and is also known by its other name, The Story of Thor, in Europe and Japan. It is a prequel to the Sega Saturn title Legend of Oasis which was released in 1996. Another notable bit about Beyond Oasis is that its music was composed by Yuzo Koshiro who is known for his work on Streets of Rage, Super Adventure Island, Shenmue, Namco X Capcom, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Etrian Odyssey.

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