Shane Kim slips a September date for Halo 3?

Halo 3 sprinting to the finish line by September - Image 1This should get you jumping off your seats, Halo 3 fanboys! Microsoft Game Studios”>Shane Kim of Microsoft has reportedly “slipped” to 1UP that they would like to get their shooter out in the market before Rockstar jumps the gun on them with their GTA IV on October.

Let us spell it out to you. That would be a September release, guys. “If they can get out before GTA IV, they probably feel like that’s better, sort of like Xbox 360 coming out before the PlayStation 3.” But that is if they can have it their way. However, the ball’s not on their court, and it will ultimately be up to Bungie to set the release date.

But at least we’ve narrowed down the date to something more specific for us to be able to better prepare for those campouts ahead when Halo 3 does get launched, eh? We’ll be sure to keep you posted on this one.

Halo 3 sprinting to the finish line by September - Image 1This should get you jumping off your seats, Halo 3 fanboys! Microsoft Game Studios”>Shane Kim of Microsoft has reportedly “slipped” to 1UP that they would like to get their shooter out in the market before Rockstar jumps the gun on them with their GTA IV on October.

Let us spell it out to you. That would be a September release, guys. “If they can get out before GTA IV, they probably feel like that’s better, sort of like Xbox 360 coming out before the PlayStation 3.” But that is if they can have it their way. However, the ball’s not on their court, and it will ultimately be up to Bungie to set the release date.

But at least we’ve narrowed down the date to something more specific for us to be able to better prepare for those campouts ahead when Halo 3 does get launched, eh? We’ll be sure to keep you posted on this one.

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