Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey gets M rating

shinmegamiThe ESRB has just slapped Atlus Games’ Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey with an M rating. The reason behind this rating: graphic text and phallic monsters.



smt_strange-journey_hd11The ESRB has just slapped Atlus Games’ Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey with an M rating. The reason behind this rating: graphic text and phallic monsters.


Points of contention by the ratings board would be the presence of topless female demons and phallic-shaped heads and torsos of male demons. Don’t burst out into giggling fits just yet. Here’s ESRB’s verdict, verbatim:


“A handful of female demons wear outfits that completely expose their breasts (though these demons have no nipples); other monsters have phallic-shaped heads and torsos; and a couple of monsters (e.g., “Succubus” and “Incubus”) have sexual characteristics that are detailed in text (e.g., “They visit sleeping men and have sexual intercourse with them” and “It ravishes women while they sleep, impregnating them.”). Profanity (e.g., “dipsh*t” and “a*shole”) occasionally appears in the dialogue.”


Interesting anatomy right there. Then again, they are from another world, so it’s not like we should expect them to have the same physiological make-up as humans do. Bet that made you want to get this game, didn’t it?




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