Siege PvP and Massive PvP in Age Of Conan


“Destruction and betrayal brought about by the thirst for power is the nectar of Hyboria – the one constant in the world of King Conan. Death reaps a rich harvest in the battles for power between rival warlords, tribal chiefs and would be pretenders to the throne of Aquillonia…as king, Conan has opened up the Border Kingdoms for conquest. The constant strife from other nations in the area has let him grant prerogatives to whoever holds the area! The border kingdom will once and forever be part of the great Aquillonian Empire!”

Bottom line…in Age of Conan‘s Hyborean world, it’s survival of the fittest…the strongest, the most ruthless survive.

The idea, according to Funcom, is to provide clearly defined goals for PvP combat. Instead of mere murder and mayhem, the object will be for players to carve out their own territories and make a name for themselves in the annals of Hyboria. Basically, the border kingdoms in which these battles will take place have been separated from the rest of the game’s virtual world because: (A) not everyone is into PvP, and (B) they wished to craft an area especially for PvP without compromising PvE.

With the new system, players who wish to control towns and engage NPC towns can do so without getting involved with PvP combat. For those individuals and guilds wishing a greater challenge, there will be Battlekeeps instead of towns. As you might expect, the rewards for surviving in the latter scenarios are greater than those in the former.

Border Kingdoms will be dangerous, blood-soaked regions, and will have pre-defined areas (high in resources) in which Battlekeeps may be constructed – which in turn will up the ante and intensify the competition for these coveted sites. These areas will be fully PvP enabled, so keep your weapons ready!

Challengers will also be able to lay siege to others’ Battlekeep, but beware! Since it would be impractical to expect players to be online 24/7 to defend their Keeps, the system will ensure that would-be challengers declare their intentions and those challenged will have ample opportunity to prepare – and possibly destroy invaders utterly.

Funcom believes this new system will provide new challenges for experienced players, while allowing novices to continue to play at their own level and have a satisfying game experience.

Via Age of Conan Community


“Destruction and betrayal brought about by the thirst for power is the nectar of Hyboria – the one constant in the world of King Conan. Death reaps a rich harvest in the battles for power between rival warlords, tribal chiefs and would be pretenders to the throne of Aquillonia…as king, Conan has opened up the Border Kingdoms for conquest. The constant strife from other nations in the area has let him grant prerogatives to whoever holds the area! The border kingdom will once and forever be part of the great Aquillonian Empire!”

Bottom line…in Age of Conan‘s Hyborean world, it’s survival of the fittest…the strongest, the most ruthless survive.

The idea, according to Funcom, is to provide clearly defined goals for PvP combat. Instead of mere murder and mayhem, the object will be for players to carve out their own territories and make a name for themselves in the annals of Hyboria. Basically, the border kingdoms in which these battles will take place have been separated from the rest of the game’s virtual world because: (A) not everyone is into PvP, and (B) they wished to craft an area especially for PvP without compromising PvE.

With the new system, players who wish to control towns and engage NPC towns can do so without getting involved with PvP combat. For those individuals and guilds wishing a greater challenge, there will be Battlekeeps instead of towns. As you might expect, the rewards for surviving in the latter scenarios are greater than those in the former.

Border Kingdoms will be dangerous, blood-soaked regions, and will have pre-defined areas (high in resources) in which Battlekeeps may be constructed – which in turn will up the ante and intensify the competition for these coveted sites. These areas will be fully PvP enabled, so keep your weapons ready!

Challengers will also be able to lay siege to others’ Battlekeep, but beware! Since it would be impractical to expect players to be online 24/7 to defend their Keeps, the system will ensure that would-be challengers declare their intentions and those challenged will have ample opportunity to prepare – and possibly destroy invaders utterly.

Funcom believes this new system will provide new challenges for experienced players, while allowing novices to continue to play at their own level and have a satisfying game experience.

Via Age of Conan Community

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