SNEmulDS Update + Source Code
Remember archeide? He developed the SNEmulDS, an SNES emulator for the DS that we featured a few days ago. archeide now updates us on how he’s been able to go along with his testing and development. Here’s what he said:
This emulator has buggy support for ROMs with size > 2Mo. I know it’s buggy so i just wanted to see how many roms where working. I succeeded to play some part of terranigma, ff3, dkc (but not chronotrigger). But I just have a small amount of roms, so i need testers with other roms.
Hear that, guys? He’s calling out for testers and people with vast databases of SNES ROMs that can help in this project. Anyways, he’s also posted a source code for his emu for all of you guys who wish to help him update it. The download link is below.
See, in the homebrewing community, it’s always going to be a win-win situation. And surely there will always be people that will lend a helping hand.
Download: [SNEmulDS v0.1 source]
Remember archeide? He developed the SNEmulDS, an SNES emulator for the DS that we featured a few days ago. archeide now updates us on how he’s been able to go along with his testing and development. Here’s what he said:
This emulator has buggy support for ROMs with size > 2Mo. I know it’s buggy so i just wanted to see how many roms where working. I succeeded to play some part of terranigma, ff3, dkc (but not chronotrigger). But I just have a small amount of roms, so i need testers with other roms.
Hear that, guys? He’s calling out for testers and people with vast databases of SNES ROMs that can help in this project. Anyways, he’s also posted a source code for his emu for all of you guys who wish to help him update it. The download link is below.
See, in the homebrewing community, it’s always going to be a win-win situation. And surely there will always be people that will lend a helping hand.
Download: [SNEmulDS v0.1 source]