Some details regarding that MGS4-X360 rumor

Rumors rumorsBefore you say that we’re just adding volatile accelerants to the flame-bait, we’re just doing our job here, which is to report things like this to you guys. Now on to the details.

The nice folks over at Xboxic have managed to find Che Chou‘s post at NeoGAF. By the way, Che Chou is an ex-1UP staffer and developer at MicrosoftÂ’s Forza 2 team.

This is what he claims to be the real deal:

ItÂ’s simply a rumor that Konami higher-ups are pressuring Kojima Productions to consider making MGS4 a multiplatform game because production costs on the game are unsurprisingly high and only getting higher. With PS3 install base numbers not looking all that rosy due to console cost and manufacturing problems, Konami is scared they canÂ’t recoup their investment on only 1 platform alone.

ItÂ’s also a nice way to maybe blackmail Sony into giving Konami an incentive to keeping the game a PS3 exclusive, imo.

Whatever the case, I highly doubt itÂ’s going to happen so quit building yourself a disappointing kiloton bomb.

Well that should ease things a bit right? We guess we’ll just have to wait for more news to break. For now all you MGS4-Sony zealots can relax and put down your pitchforks. Also, all you Xbox zealots will have have to curb anticipation, Snake’s move to the “white-lime-green” (as opposed to “dark”) side is even less certain now than when the rumor first broke.

Via Xboxic

Rumors rumorsBefore you say that we’re just adding volatile accelerants to the flame-bait, we’re just doing our job here, which is to report things like this to you guys. Now on to the details.

The nice folks over at Xboxic have managed to find Che Chou‘s post at NeoGAF. By the way, Che Chou is an ex-1UP staffer and developer at MicrosoftÂ’s Forza 2 team.

This is what he claims to be the real deal:

ItÂ’s simply a rumor that Konami higher-ups are pressuring Kojima Productions to consider making MGS4 a multiplatform game because production costs on the game are unsurprisingly high and only getting higher. With PS3 install base numbers not looking all that rosy due to console cost and manufacturing problems, Konami is scared they canÂ’t recoup their investment on only 1 platform alone.

ItÂ’s also a nice way to maybe blackmail Sony into giving Konami an incentive to keeping the game a PS3 exclusive, imo.

Whatever the case, I highly doubt itÂ’s going to happen so quit building yourself a disappointing kiloton bomb.

Well that should ease things a bit right? We guess we’ll just have to wait for more news to break. For now all you MGS4-Sony zealots can relax and put down your pitchforks. Also, all you Xbox zealots will have have to curb anticipation, Snake’s move to the “white-lime-green” (as opposed to “dark”) side is even less certain now than when the rumor first broke.

Via Xboxic

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