Some old school nudity found in Kid Icarus manual

It is highly probable that 80s game Kid Icarus will find its way to the Virtual Console soon. Now, it looks like some fans are so eager that they’re even refreshing their memories by browsing through the game’s old manual in the Internet. There’s nothing really wrong with that and if anything, it is actually commendable.

Apparently, one reader of gaming site Siliconera was doing the same and stumbled upon something that wasn’t expected. In page 38 of the said manual, reader Unmasked Ninja saw a description of a harpy and beside it was a picture of Syren topless. As much as it’s not as shocking as Madden 07s gift of pr0n to the X360, one has to take note that this was done by Nintendo back in 1980.

We know, we're kill joys, but we gotta be kid-friendly, too. - Image 1

What’s up with 1980, you ask? Well, Nintendo was highly conservative at the time. As Siliconera puts it, this is the same company that asked Midway Games to change the blood in Mortal Kombat to sweat, the same company that didn’t allow crosses into games and changed dogs to mutant mice in Wolfenstein 3D. You get the picture.

We don’t mean anything bad by this. We’re just saying that given Nintendo’s stance back then, this is a big surprise and an object of curiosity. We know it could be a plain case of oversight but it is interesting to know if the company will keep Syren when Kid Icarus finally arrives in VC.

It is highly probable that 80s game Kid Icarus will find its way to the Virtual Console soon. Now, it looks like some fans are so eager that they’re even refreshing their memories by browsing through the game’s old manual in the Internet. There’s nothing really wrong with that and if anything, it is actually commendable.

Apparently, one reader of gaming site Siliconera was doing the same and stumbled upon something that wasn’t expected. In page 38 of the said manual, reader Unmasked Ninja saw a description of a harpy and beside it was a picture of Syren topless. As much as it’s not as shocking as Madden 07s gift of pr0n to the X360, one has to take note that this was done by Nintendo back in 1980.

We know, we're kill joys, but we gotta be kid-friendly, too. - Image 1

What’s up with 1980, you ask? Well, Nintendo was highly conservative at the time. As Siliconera puts it, this is the same company that asked Midway Games to change the blood in Mortal Kombat to sweat, the same company that didn’t allow crosses into games and changed dogs to mutant mice in Wolfenstein 3D. You get the picture.

We don’t mean anything bad by this. We’re just saying that given Nintendo’s stance back then, this is a big surprise and an object of curiosity. We know it could be a plain case of oversight but it is interesting to know if the company will keep Syren when Kid Icarus finally arrives in VC.

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