Sony and Microsoft unaffected by the March US NPD results

Console Wars Nintendo Wii Sony PS3 Microsoft Xbox 360 - Image 1The NPD has finally revealed the final console numbers for the month of March, which revealed that Nintendo once again trounced both of its rivals, Sony and Microsoft. So what do they think about it? Quite surprisingly, both Sony and Microsoft took the numbers well. Read all about it in the full article.

Console Wars Nintendo Wii Sony PS3 Microsoft Xbox 360 - Image 1 

So we just got wind of the NPD results for the month of March, and quite unsurprisingly, the Nintendo Wii and DS grabbed the two top spots…once again. So how does Sony and Nintendo take the news? As it turns out, they both took it quite well.

Sony, whose PSP handheld and PS3 console managed to land third and fifth place respectively, didn’t bat an eyelash. Sony’s Jack Tretton was quoted as saying:

In these economically challenging times, consumers recognise the long-term value of our platforms and the tremendous heritage of our brand in delivering the best entertainment experience.

In fact, Tretton claimed that 2008 is the year of the PlayStation, saying that the release of top-notch titles such as God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII contributed to the spike of sales that the PlayStation brand enjoyed during March.

However, Microsoft has something different in mind, making use of Grand Theft Auto IV‘s (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) release as ammo against PlayStation’s claim that the black console is Number One.

A spokesperson for Microsoft said, “Consumers have made it clear that the benefits of Xbox Live and exclusive access to GTA IV episodic content are making Xbox 360 the chosen place to play GTA IV.”

As their own proof, and rebuttal to Sony’s statement, Microsoft said that they managed to collect US$ 9.4 billion from gamers, who bought Xbox 360 consoles, games, and accessories…which they claimed exceeded the amount spent on the Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii.

As for the big N, Nintendo hasn’t made any statements concerning the NPD results for March yet, but you can be sure to hear from them anytime from now. Until then, stay tuned for updates!

Via Eurogamer

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