Sony: Not every PS3 game will support Move
Although Sony are putting a lot of marketing behind Move, that doesn’t mean every PS3 game from now on will support the motion controller. Says SCE senior researcher Richard Marks, Move is but one of the controllers available on the Sony console, and developers shouldn’t be forced to make their games support it.
Although Sony are putting a lot of marketing behind Move, that doesn’t mean every PS3 game from now on will support the motion controller.
When asked by CVG if Move support will be made mandatory, Marks replied, “I don’t want that to happen. I love the Move but it’s not the only controller on our platform. We have a great controller already – the DualShock – and some experiences are supposed to be used with that.”
“A new set of experiences that use more special input – that’s what’s good for the Move. So I think our first-party will always continue to court both controllers.”
Marks further added that developers should add Move support to games where it actually makes sense and not just force it into a game that doesn’t really need it.
Via [CVG]