Sony on Xbox 360 price cuts: meh

Sony on Xbox 360 price cuts: meh - Image 1In a not-so-surprising turn of events, Microsoft hacked down Xbox 360 prices, with the Arcade model going even cheaper than the Wii. One analyst believes that the PlayStation 3 might be on the losing end this holiday season. But is Sony concerned? No, not really. Read more after the link.

Sony on Xbox 360 price cuts: meh - Image 1

In a not-so-surprising turn of events, Microsoft hacked down Xbox 360 prices, with the Arcade model going even cheaper than the Wii. One analyst believes that the PlayStation 3 might be on the losing end this holiday season. But is Sony concerned? No, not really.

Sony’s Julie Han explains: “We’ll obviously see the natural lift [in sales] with the price cut, but how sustainable is that in the long term?” In case you’re wondering: no, they still don’t have any plans to cut prices for the PlayStation 3. Han explains:

We know PS3 offers that value across the board, with the built-in Blu-ray player the broadest and deepest software lineup in the industry, with LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Motorstorm [Pacific Rift]… we’re quite confident our holiday sales will be good.

[…] We feel the PS3 offers the value at that price point. More than anything, you’ll see with the 80-gigabyte announcement at E3 as well as with the recent 160 gif, consumers are telling you they want more storage for photos, music… new games are also getting quite a bit of pickup through PlayStation Network.

There’s also our new video download service that consumers are going to want to do. It’s showing that we’re moving in the right direction.

So even if Sony doesn’t come in first place for the holidays, they seem pretty confident that they’ll have the upper hand in the long run. Now if I had to guess what Nintendo is thinking about this whole price cut thing, it’s probably: “yeah, whatever.”

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Via Gamasutra

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