Sony putting £3 million into UK advertising

Sony is putting £3 million into blanket coverage of PSP advertising in the UK extending their recent campaign which has caused some controversy. The ad campaign is meant to promote the PSP functionality as a media device, not just a game system. This is contrary to Nintendo’s DS ad campaign which advertises it exclusively as a gaming system (for good reason). Hopefully sony wont be releasing any ads that will get them in hot water (like they need any more of those) with this new funding.
Sony is putting £3 million into blanket coverage of PSP advertising in the UK extending their recent campaign which has caused some controversy. The ad campaign is meant to promote the PSP functionality as a media device, not just a game system. This is contrary to Nintendo’s DS ad campaign which advertises it exclusively as a gaming system (for good reason). Hopefully sony wont be releasing any ads that will get them in hot water (like they need any more of those) with this new funding.

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