Sony Taiwan to announce Taiwan release date of PS3

TaiwanOkay, this may not be important for everyone in the US, for people who usually import their PS3’s from all over the place this is “news-y.” According to Commercial Times, Sony Taiwan will be holding a press conference on November 1.

In that conference they will announce the Taiwan launch date for the PS3 and the related pricing for the Taiwan market. Taiwan should be launching the latest version of Sony’s game console at about the same time as Japan, or so say local distributors.

Now how did that quote from Armageddon go again? Ah, we remember, it was this:

Lev Andropov: Excuse me, but I think I know how to fix this.
Watts: Move it! You don’t know the components!
Lev Andropov: [annoyed] Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!

That should sum up in vague imagery, Taiwan’s importance as a source of electronic products. Of course people who import PS3’s from foreign countries should keep Sony’s “lawful stand” regarding importing in mind. Just to stay safe.

Via DigiTimes

TaiwanOkay, this may not be important for everyone in the US, for people who usually import their PS3’s from all over the place this is “news-y.” According to Commercial Times, Sony Taiwan will be holding a press conference on November 1.

In that conference they will announce the Taiwan launch date for the PS3 and the related pricing for the Taiwan market. Taiwan should be launching the latest version of Sony’s game console at about the same time as Japan, or so say local distributors.

Now how did that quote from Armageddon go again? Ah, we remember, it was this:

Lev Andropov: Excuse me, but I think I know how to fix this.
Watts: Move it! You don’t know the components!
Lev Andropov: [annoyed] Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!

That should sum up in vague imagery, Taiwan’s importance as a source of electronic products. Of course people who import PS3’s from foreign countries should keep Sony’s “lawful stand” regarding importing in mind. Just to stay safe.

Via DigiTimes

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