Sony to block Blu-ray porn?

Entertainment for the children of the 80s - Image 1There have been reports that a deciding factor in the format war between Blu-ray and HD-DVD might be the fact that several adult entertainment production houses are supporting HD-DVD. We’ve previously reported that HD-DVD was the chosen format due to ease of production, but here’s something that may raise a few eyebrows.

IGN reports that during the AVN (the Oscars and CES of the adult industry), Joone, founder of Digital Playgrounds, says that despite both his and other outlet’s interest in releasing adult features on the Blu-ray, Sony is putting pressure on Blu-ray disc manufacturers not to produce any media for pornography, threatening revocation of licenses for failure to comply.

The report claims that it is essentially a Sony “blockage” to support the format, and not an HD-DVD production advantage.

Sony turning its back on porn? We’ll update you folks if any more news on this topic, or any reactions from Sony on Joone’s claims emerge. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Speaking to Arstechnica, Marty Gordon, vice-chair of the Sony’s Blu-ray Disc Association Promotions Committee stated:

There is not a prohibition against adult content. The BDA welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, particularly those from the content industry.

So this means Joone was crying wolf huh? We’ll keep you updated.

Entertainment for the children of the 80s - Image 1There have been reports that a deciding factor in the format war between Blu-ray and HD-DVD might be the fact that several adult entertainment production houses are supporting HD-DVD. We’ve previously reported that HD-DVD was the chosen format due to ease of production, but here’s something that may raise a few eyebrows.

IGN reports that during the AVN (the Oscars and CES of the adult industry), Joone, founder of Digital Playgrounds, says that despite both his and other outlet’s interest in releasing adult features on the Blu-ray, Sony is putting pressure on Blu-ray disc manufacturers not to produce any media for pornography, threatening revocation of licenses for failure to comply.

The report claims that it is essentially a Sony “blockage” to support the format, and not an HD-DVD production advantage.

Sony turning its back on porn? We’ll update you folks if any more news on this topic, or any reactions from Sony on Joone’s claims emerge. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Speaking to Arstechnica, Marty Gordon, vice-chair of the Sony’s Blu-ray Disc Association Promotions Committee stated:

There is not a prohibition against adult content. The BDA welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, particularly those from the content industry.

So this means Joone was crying wolf huh? We’ll keep you updated.

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