Sony to open up PS3, in-game ads coming to PS3 games
It looks as if everyone’s convinced that the Sony PlayStation 3’s bound to make a comeback this year, and advertising companies are going to make a profit of it. They plan in-game advertising for the most popular of PlayStation 3 games. They may be hopping into Sony’s bandwagon at the dismay of many players, but it’s only because Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has a plan that will open their next generation console to that opportunity. More at the full story.
The latest in the game business news reveals that Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) may have an in-game advertising program brewing, though the extent and the target titles have not been revealed. In-game advertising companies such as Double Fusion, IGA, and Adscape by Google are likely to be the first candidates and to talk with third party publishers to incorporate the necessary mechanics and support.
The possibility of in-game advertising on first-party games are as yet unknown. But one unnamed source indirectly confirmed that Sony has something lined up for in-game advertising, and added, “It’ll come down to games and who [of the third-party publishers] has the largest catalog of games.” The more popular game, it’s bound to be targeted for in-game advertising.
Sony’s in-house sales team for the PlayStation Network has already begun one such in-game advertising project with Idol Minds’ Pain, released in the U.S. late fall last year and soon to be released in the UK within the month. The ads won’t be burned in, as reported, but will be incorporated as dynamic ads.
Unfortunately, a spokesman from the company wasn’t very helpful in shedding light on the matter, stating that Sony does not comment on unannounced initiatives or products. They have commented on the effectiveness of in-game advertising before, however. If a follow-up announcement is forthcoming, keep your eyes peeled on this space.