Sony’s new adult marketing campaign


I lie, this isn’t Sony‘s new selling strategy, but either way, someone’s selling something using Sony’s brand power. In Japan, Brian Ashcraft, a blogger, stumbled upon this unusually named shop. To put it fairly, it’s a place selling services of the sexual nature, however, as we all know, prostitution is illegal so maybe this is for the health conscious who want a massage or two.

This has moved the Playstation to be dubbed the Sexstation. To be honest this is just someone leeching off Sony’s success, but hey, in this competitive market, this is must. So get ready to enter your cheat codes, choose your character and opponent, and fight. 😉

Via Kotaku


I lie, this isn’t Sony‘s new selling strategy, but either way, someone’s selling something using Sony’s brand power. In Japan, Brian Ashcraft, a blogger, stumbled upon this unusually named shop. To put it fairly, it’s a place selling services of the sexual nature, however, as we all know, prostitution is illegal so maybe this is for the health conscious who want a massage or two.

This has moved the Playstation to be dubbed the Sexstation. To be honest this is just someone leeching off Sony’s success, but hey, in this competitive market, this is must. So get ready to enter your cheat codes, choose your character and opponent, and fight. 😉

Via Kotaku

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