Sony’s Ray Maguire admits to ignoring PSP

In the second part of Game Industry’s interview with Sony UK‘s Ray Maguire, the managing director admitted that they have been slightly more focused on the PlayStation 3. But now, after the European PlayStation 3 launch, they can split resources to give more focus on the PlayStation Portable. So Sony will go ahead and just do that.

Sony UK's Ray Maguire - Image 1In his own words, Maguire said, “We’ve been putting quite a lot of energy behind PS3, now we’ll be able to split some of those resources and go back to the PSP to make sure we’ve got some compelling games coming.”

For Sony, the PSP and the PS3 are both highly regarded, although it appears that the titles slated for the portable handheld have been lackluster of late.

As Ready at Dawn Studios learned from the PSP fan base, PSP gamers are looking for exclusive titles that they can boast about to their console cousins. It’s a matter of addressing this major concern that Sony has to get on right away, as the PlayStation Portable could just end up as being a music player first, gaming handheld second.

But could it be that the lack of ideas for the PSP is because Sony isn’t sure of it’s full potential? All we do know is that it is a PlayStation 2 that fits in your pocket, but it could probably be capable of so much more. Sony is focused on turning it into another multimedia entertainment system like the PlayStation 3. Whether this is good news or not, they already have “a solution in place.”

Via Game Industry

In the second part of Game Industry’s interview with Sony UK‘s Ray Maguire, the managing director admitted that they have been slightly more focused on the PlayStation 3. But now, after the European PlayStation 3 launch, they can split resources to give more focus on the PlayStation Portable. So Sony will go ahead and just do that.

Sony UK's Ray Maguire - Image 1In his own words, Maguire said, “We’ve been putting quite a lot of energy behind PS3, now we’ll be able to split some of those resources and go back to the PSP to make sure we’ve got some compelling games coming.”

For Sony, the PSP and the PS3 are both highly regarded, although it appears that the titles slated for the portable handheld have been lackluster of late.

As Ready at Dawn Studios learned from the PSP fan base, PSP gamers are looking for exclusive titles that they can boast about to their console cousins. It’s a matter of addressing this major concern that Sony has to get on right away, as the PlayStation Portable could just end up as being a music player first, gaming handheld second.

But could it be that the lack of ideas for the PSP is because Sony isn’t sure of it’s full potential? All we do know is that it is a PlayStation 2 that fits in your pocket, but it could probably be capable of so much more. Sony is focused on turning it into another multimedia entertainment system like the PlayStation 3. Whether this is good news or not, they already have “a solution in place.”

Via Game Industry

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