SounDS for you DS

SounDS ScreenshotOnce again, one of the basic principles of Economics holds true – the one where it states that competition in the market can lead to better services or products for less cost. We’re not about to launch into another report about how the industry giants are trying to one-up each other again, but we do have another nifty update that involves an entry into the NeoFlash Summer Coding Competition 2006.

The_Legend, the author of the application which has been dubbed as SounDS, has created a sound application for Nintendo DS. The app supposedly enables your handheld to load and play sounds in their raw formats directly from your SD card. There is also no size limit to the file that you can load. After loading up your sounds, you can then start to play around with it. To quote from its creator:

“…you can change the frequence of the sound at anytime, during the playing process, so you can make a sound play faster/slower depending on the original sound frequence! stereo/mono selection is also included, and the default is 11025 Hz / stereo.”

Some parties have expressed that this application, if further developed, may have potential, especially for people who may be in the music industry who would like to be able to mix simple tracks while on the go.

This application has not yet been tested here in the QJ offices, but we would love to hear our readers’ thoughts on this application. Think this could win a prize from NeoFlash? Let us know via the comments.

Download: [SounDS]

Via NeoFlash

SounDS ScreenshotOnce again, one of the basic principles of Economics holds true – the one where it states that competition in the market can lead to better services or products for less cost. We’re not about to launch into another report about how the industry giants are trying to one-up each other again, but we do have another nifty update that involves an entry into the NeoFlash Summer Coding Competition 2006.

The_Legend, the author of the application which has been dubbed as SounDS, has created a sound application for Nintendo DS. The app supposedly enables your handheld to load and play sounds in their raw formats directly from your SD card. There is also no size limit to the file that you can load. After loading up your sounds, you can then start to play around with it. To quote from its creator:

“…you can change the frequence of the sound at anytime, during the playing process, so you can make a sound play faster/slower depending on the original sound frequence! stereo/mono selection is also included, and the default is 11025 Hz / stereo.”

Some parties have expressed that this application, if further developed, may have potential, especially for people who may be in the music industry who would like to be able to mix simple tracks while on the go.

This application has not yet been tested here in the QJ offices, but we would love to hear our readers’ thoughts on this application. Think this could win a prize from NeoFlash? Let us know via the comments.

Download: [SounDS]

Via NeoFlash

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