SPG reports PS3 has higher quality games

SPG reports PS3 has higher quality games - MetaScores of May 20, 2007 - Image 1

The PlayStation 3 is often the target of criticism by fans of other consoles. Majority of hostile gamers have toyed with Sony‘s next generation console, claiming that the system doesn’t have any quality games. To verify these claims, the Sony Protection Group conducted an investigation of their own.

Using CNet‘s MetaCritic.com, Sony Protection Group has discovered on May 20 that the PlayStation 3 has more quality games than of any other console. MetaCritic lists games on every next generation and current generation that has at least five reviews from reputable gaming sites worldwide.

Other discoveries on that day include that the Xbox 360 has the least games rated less than 50% on average, while the Wii has had the most games rated below 50% on average. Nintendo‘s new-gen console has also seen the least amount of games rated 80% and above on average.

Sony Protection Group has concluded that most gamers would rather save money than to spend more for higher quality games. They added that the Wii and DS both offered the least of quality games.

*Graphical representation of Meta Scores courtesy of Sony Protection Group.

SPG reports PS3 has higher quality games - MetaScores of May 20, 2007 - Image 1

The PlayStation 3 is often the target of criticism by fans of other consoles. Majority of hostile gamers have toyed with Sony‘s next generation console, claiming that the system doesn’t have any quality games. To verify these claims, the Sony Protection Group conducted an investigation of their own.

Using CNet‘s MetaCritic.com, Sony Protection Group has discovered on May 20 that the PlayStation 3 has more quality games than of any other console. MetaCritic lists games on every next generation and current generation that has at least five reviews from reputable gaming sites worldwide.

Other discoveries on that day include that the Xbox 360 has the least games rated less than 50% on average, while the Wii has had the most games rated below 50% on average. Nintendo‘s new-gen console has also seen the least amount of games rated 80% and above on average.

Sony Protection Group has concluded that most gamers would rather save money than to spend more for higher quality games. They added that the Wii and DS both offered the least of quality games.

*Graphical representation of Meta Scores courtesy of Sony Protection Group.

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