Square Enix considers remakes of Final Fantasy games


In an interview today, Square Enix Senior Vice President of Software Development, Hiromichi Tanaka, discussed the recently released Final Fantasy III. The game has sold 99% of its shipment in Japan so far, making it a very successful title. And the demand is much higher than the supply. After all this success, Square Enix is definitely looking at the whole remake business in a better light.

This is the first time for this game to come to the US. Alongside the plans for FFV and FFVI, we’ll soon have seen remakes of every classic FF game. Where do you go from here?

Tanaka: FFIV, V and VI have been ported to the GBA. As you have seen FFIII is not a port but more of a remake. In the future, since FFIII has been received pretty well so far, we’re actually considering remaking some of the other Final Fantasy games.

Seeing as Final Fantasy I, II, IV, V have just been released on the Game Boy Advance, it seems unlikely that these titles will be receiving the treatment first. Maybe a Final Fantasy VII port to the DS? Or maybe the much obsessed-over Final Fantasy VII remake for the PlayStation 3? We just might find out soon enough!


In an interview today, Square Enix Senior Vice President of Software Development, Hiromichi Tanaka, discussed the recently released Final Fantasy III. The game has sold 99% of its shipment in Japan so far, making it a very successful title. And the demand is much higher than the supply. After all this success, Square Enix is definitely looking at the whole remake business in a better light.

This is the first time for this game to come to the US. Alongside the plans for FFV and FFVI, we’ll soon have seen remakes of every classic FF game. Where do you go from here?

Tanaka: FFIV, V and VI have been ported to the GBA. As you have seen FFIII is not a port but more of a remake. In the future, since FFIII has been received pretty well so far, we’re actually considering remaking some of the other Final Fantasy games.

Seeing as Final Fantasy I, II, IV, V have just been released on the Game Boy Advance, it seems unlikely that these titles will be receiving the treatment first. Maybe a Final Fantasy VII port to the DS? Or maybe the much obsessed-over Final Fantasy VII remake for the PlayStation 3? We just might find out soon enough!

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