SSX Blur stunts and screenies

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You’ve met the characters, you’ve seen the vids. Heck, you might even already own the game! But for the rest of you who haven’t hit the slopes with this title yet, we might as well avalanche you guys with even more SSX Blur content straight from EA Sports BIG (they always snow us in with lots of love anyways).

To usher in SSX Blur‘s official European release, this batch of screens show more of the stunts you can pull off in this snowboarding title. Flips, cannonballs, 360s (no, not the console), and all that snowy jazz. Check ’em out and start practicing those Wii-motions. The game won’t give you frost bite, but there’s still the risk of carpal tunnel.

SSX Blur from Electronic Arts - Image 1 SSX Blur from Electronic Arts - Image 2 SSX Blur from Electronic Arts - Image 3

More screens behind the “Full Article” link!

SSX Blur - Image 1 SSX Blur - Image 2

You’ve met the characters, you’ve seen the vids. Heck, you might even already own the game! But for the rest of you who haven’t hit the slopes with this title yet, we might as well avalanche you guys with even more SSX Blur content straight from EA Sports BIG (they always snow us in with lots of love anyways).

To usher in SSX Blur‘s official European release, this batch of screens show more of the stunts you can pull off in this snowboarding title. Flips, cannonballs, 360s (no, not the console), and all that snowy jazz. Check ’em out and start practicing those Wii-motions. The game won’t give you frost bite, but there’s still the risk of carpal tunnel.

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