Star Trek D.A.C. screenshots
After waiting so long, we finally get screens for Star Trek: D.A.C, the upcoming XBL and PSN game sorta-based on the new movie by JJ Abrams. Check ’em out after the link.
After waiting so long, we finally get screens for Star Trek: D.A.C, the upcoming XBL and PSN game sorta-based on the new movie by JJ Abrams. Nice, eh? As you can see, the game will be a top-down shooter, kinda like Geometry Wars.
The game will have really nothing to do with the movie itself, except for the Star Trek theme. It’ll take starship designs, music, and sounds effects, but that’s it. Looks like it’s going to be fun. Thank the Borg Queen they didn’t decide to do a full game that would just ruin the movie.
The game will be released this May for XBL, in time with the movie. The PSN version will be released some time after.
Via Variety