Star Trek: Tactical Assault: First fw2.81 UMD game?

Star Trek: Tactical AssaultHmmm… it seems that Star Trek: Tactical Assault will be speaking a new language, and it’s definitely not Klingon.

Well, if you’re talking about firmware speak, that is. 0okm reported that this game will run on 2.81 firmware, which makes this it the first UMD game to make use of the latest firmware.

Now, the question is: Will it run on DevHook? Let’s quote PSP Hacks’ take on it:

Although its been reported that many 2.8x titles function fine under DevHook v0.46; this apparently is the first UMD to utilize 2.81-specific PRX modules. “libfont.prx” is the module in question, thus missing fonts if attempted to emulate via DevHook.

Some guys claim that it worked on them, some say it didn’t. You can always give it a try, but do so with extreme caution. After all, you don’t want to accidentally brick your PSP or anything, right?

Anyway, we’re guessing that if you’re a hardcore Trekkie or a Trekker, you won’t let mere firmware numbers deter you. After all, Bethesda’s spaceship shoot ’em up game has been on shelves since last week, so you’re probably hooked to it by now.

Via 0okm

Star Trek: Tactical AssaultHmmm… it seems that Star Trek: Tactical Assault will be speaking a new language, and it’s definitely not Klingon.

Well, if you’re talking about firmware speak, that is. 0okm reported that this game will run on 2.81 firmware, which makes this it the first UMD game to make use of the latest firmware.

Now, the question is: Will it run on DevHook? Let’s quote PSP Hacks’ take on it:

Although its been reported that many 2.8x titles function fine under DevHook v0.46; this apparently is the first UMD to utilize 2.81-specific PRX modules. “libfont.prx” is the module in question, thus missing fonts if attempted to emulate via DevHook.

Some guys claim that it worked on them, some say it didn’t. You can always give it a try, but do so with extreme caution. After all, you don’t want to accidentally brick your PSP or anything, right?

Anyway, we’re guessing that if you’re a hardcore Trekkie or a Trekker, you won’t let mere firmware numbers deter you. After all, Bethesda’s spaceship shoot ’em up game has been on shelves since last week, so you’re probably hooked to it by now.

Via 0okm

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