Star Wars Galaxies: own your own ship, the Rattletrap

Star Wars Galaxies: the Rattletrap space ship, instant travel vehicle - Image 1Having a hard time finding a ride in Star Wars Galaxies? Gone are the days when you have to foot it. Galaxies‘ Chapter 9 introduces one of the conveniences of living in the time of starships: the Rattletrap, your instant travel vehicle. Now all you have to do is make sure the thing doesn’t blow up with you in it. Well, at least you don’t have to walk. Details on the rattletrap in the full article.

Star Wars Galaxies: the Rattletrap space ship, instant travel vehicle - Image 1 Star Wars Galaxies: the Rattletrap space ship, instant travel vehicle - Image 2 Star Wars Galaxies: the Rattletrap space ship, instant travel vehicle - Image 3

Space ships don’t have to be all shiny and sleek to get you where you want to go. Case in point: the Millennium Falcon. Ok, so the Rattletrap may be a little… rougher around the edges, but it’ll be there in a pinch to take you where you need to be in Star Wars Galaxies.

With the introduction of Chapter 9: The Fury of Exar Kun, players will be able to possess the rattle trap, an instant travel vehicle. Think of it as a very fast bike. A very old, very decrepit, very charred bike that may blow up.

Don’t worry though, it won’t blow up – as far as we know. To own your own rattletrap, look for crates of junk left around in starports of planets across the galaxy. Click on the crate and collect the necessary parts.

After your efforts, you will be rewarded with a No Trade ship deed, which will give you the rattletrap. Once you choose the option to Grant Ability in the radial menu, you’ll be able to summon the rattletrap to your side; but it can’t take travel from planet to planet.

Read more on the rattletrap by following the link below, and check back for more updates on Star Wars Galaxies.

Via Star Wars Galaxies

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