Stranglehold getting movie adaptation

 Stranglehold movie on the way - Image 1Stranglehold, the video game which served as a sequel to the 1992 movie Hard Boiled, is getting a movie adaptation, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Few games deserve a movie as much as Stranglehold does.

Details after the link.

 Stranglehold movie on the way - Image 1 

Stranglehold, the video game which served as a sequel to the 1992 John Woo movie Hard Boiled, is getting a movie adaptation, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Pretty meta huh. Anyway, few games deserve a movie as much as Stranglehold (360, PS3) does.

No details on whether the project will include either John Woo or even Chow Yun-Fat, but we do have word that it will be penned Jeremy Passmore and Andre Fabrizio. This should also be good news for Midway, who’ll probably benefit from the licensing fees. The studio’s been taking serious financial blows lately so this might solve some of their problems.

Via Hollywood Reporter

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