Surfer Girl: of VC titles, follow-up games, and XBL goodies
Surfer Girl’s updated her blog once again, and as usual, she provides readers with some really juicy insider info. Want to know what’s in store for your consoles and handhelds this year? Head on over to the full article for her updates on the Virtual Console, follow-up titles, and XBL goodness.
Surfer Girl’s once again riding the waves of insider gaming news info, and this one sure has something for everyone out there.
She lists in her blog several titles that are in the works for the consoles, as well as our trusty little handhelds. For one, she claims that Slalom, the 1987 skiing videogame by Rare Ltd. for the NES, will be making it’s way to the Virtual Console in the next few months.
Apart from that, Onimusha 5 is allegedly coming out for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 some time next year, along with the follow-up titles Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2. Not to be left behind, the PSP also has a follow-up title coming in the form of Syphon Filter, which, she says will have the story tied in to the PS3 version set to be released in 2009.
Juicy, indeed, huh? Well you’re just gonna have to drool some more, because there’s more! Surfer Girl further reveals that the space epic game from Electronic Arts is actually a new Wing Commander title, and that Mr. Pants is actually in one of those Rare Ltd. XBLA titles.
Hmm-mmm. What a tasty treat that turned out to be. We just hope to hear more updates on this in the very near future. We’ll be sure to fill you in once they arrive on our doorstep!