Surprise, surprise: Square Enix’s income higher than expected


So, with Final Fantasy XII topping the PS2 charts at Amazon, Square Enix has just rehashed their tabulations of its fiscal year and, after some tax adjustments, they’re expecting higher sales. With that said, there’s going to be a bunch of numbers and statistics up ahead so, bear with us for a minute.

In their company statement, they’re expecting US$ 27.9-million for total net income from the six-month period which ended in September 30. This change shows a 32% bump up from the previous forecast. All this was due to “an adjustment in the amount deferred income taxes associated with consolidated accounting” as well as licensing income from “Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children” movie.

So, with this in mind, how do you think Square Enix will fare for the next round? Just today, FFIII was just released in North America. But more than this, they’ve got some powerhouse of a line-up to be released in the coming months, including Crisis Core: FFVII, Dragon Quest Swords, and Final Fantasy XIII. With that alone, you wouldn’t even need to know all those numbers and accounting info just to have a clue of how they’re faring…


So, with Final Fantasy XII topping the PS2 charts at Amazon, Square Enix has just rehashed their tabulations of its fiscal year and, after some tax adjustments, they’re expecting higher sales. With that said, there’s going to be a bunch of numbers and statistics up ahead so, bear with us for a minute.

In their company statement, they’re expecting US$ 27.9-million for total net income from the six-month period which ended in September 30. This change shows a 32% bump up from the previous forecast. All this was due to “an adjustment in the amount deferred income taxes associated with consolidated accounting” as well as licensing income from “Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children” movie.

So, with this in mind, how do you think Square Enix will fare for the next round? Just today, FFIII was just released in North America. But more than this, they’ve got some powerhouse of a line-up to be released in the coming months, including Crisis Core: FFVII, Dragon Quest Swords, and Final Fantasy XIII. With that alone, you wouldn’t even need to know all those numbers and accounting info just to have a clue of how they’re faring…

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