Tabula Rasa Screenshot of the Week: Kill it with fire

Tabula Rasa Screenshot of the Week - Image 1 

Good old-fashioned immolation and conflagration fun coming your way with this latest Tabula Rasa screenshot of the week update from the folks over at NCsoft. This time around, it’s a particularly-hot looking image of an AFS Grenadier doing what he does best to a Bane Kael – that is, setting things on fire. Cleansing, glorious FIRE!

As usual, the graphics are looking pretty sweet – the weapon and armor details on both the player models and the Bane Kael are VERY clear and distinguishable. The fire’s not too shabby either, even if it does have that fire extinguisher mist-thing going on. The background’s something to take note of as well, and looking closely would reveal that the draw distance of the game is pretty far.

Kudos to NCsoft for making the game look as good as it’s doing now. More updates as we get them!

Tabula Rasa Screenshot of the Week - Image 1 

Good old-fashioned immolation and conflagration fun coming your way with this latest Tabula Rasa screenshot of the week update from the folks over at NCsoft. This time around, it’s a particularly-hot looking image of an AFS Grenadier doing what he does best to a Bane Kael – that is, setting things on fire. Cleansing, glorious FIRE!

As usual, the graphics are looking pretty sweet – the weapon and armor details on both the player models and the Bane Kael are VERY clear and distinguishable. The fire’s not too shabby either, even if it does have that fire extinguisher mist-thing going on. The background’s something to take note of as well, and looking closely would reveal that the draw distance of the game is pretty far.

Kudos to NCsoft for making the game look as good as it’s doing now. More updates as we get them!

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