Taking a leap of Faith: Mirror’s Edge ‘Runners Story’ trailer

Mirror's Edge - Image 1 This is probably a good follow up trailer to the adrenaline rush some of you must have gotten in the Mirror’s Edge demo. Here we see a “Runners story” trailer, showing Faith doing her thing: a mad dash across the city to deliver… a yellow barbel that looks like it was taken straight out of your mom or sister’s aerobics bag.

Run, Faith! Run! The snipers are out to get you!

This is probably a good follow up trailer to the adrenaline rush some of you might have gotten in the Mirror’s Edge demo. Here we see the “Runners Story” trailer, showing Faith doing her thing: a mad dash across the city to deliver… a yellow barbel that looks like it was taken straight out of your mom or sister’s aerobics bag.

Electronic ArtsMirror’s Edge comes out for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 13, with a PC release to follow.

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