Team Twiizers: Argon claims we didn’t write the Twilight Hack

Marcan: Argon claims we didn't write the Twilight Hack - Image 1An ongoing drama is brewing in the Wiibrew scene, particularly between Team Twiizers and the makers of the Argon modchip. In a nutshell, Argon is locking “homebrew solutions” into their modchip without permission from the authors, in effect selling other people’s works that are already free to begin with. In their latest effort to dodge copyright claims from Team Twiizers, Argon claims that Marcan didn’t even write the Twilight Hack. More idiocy in the full article.

Marcan: Argon claims we didn't write the Twilight Hack - Image 1An ongoing drama is brewing in the Wiibrew scene, particularly between Team Twiizers and the makers of the Argon modchip.

In a nutshell, Argon is locking “homebrew solutions” into their modchip without permission from the authors, in effect selling other people’s works that are already free to begin with.

Basically, Team Twiizers and other homebrew authors have copyrighted programs which they are distributing for free, but Argon is locking it into their modchips and selling it. It’s all really dry, legal stuff, but the more interesting part of it is the ongoing drama between the two parties.

Argon posted a topic on WiiNewz, saying that Marcan is “acting like a god,” “pretend[ing] to obtain the copyright on a system hacking.” Lots of drivel like that. It’s pretty interesting stuff, if just for the lulz factor.

When Team Twiizers asked them to stop hosting the Twilight Hack, they practically accused Marcan and the rest of not writing the code:

According to the COPYRIGHT LAW the owner of the “SOFTWARE RIGHTS” need to proof that.

We need some evidence that you wrote this code, and better if this code is currently registered on a COPYRIGHT AUTHORITY.

Marcan, is not simple says “I’M OWNER OF THIS CODE” to ask COPYRIGHT protection.

If you can proof under your responsability (is a code that brake DRM protection of NINTENDO WII, without any licence of NINTENDO) that this code is yours, we will remove it from our ZIP files.

Before of course we cannot proceede

IÂ’m waiting a EVIDENCES


For the record, I didn’t change anything. That’s pretty much the e-mail they sent to Marcan. I have no reaction except… LOL. As Marcan himself stated, it is explicitly stated in the Hack that it is copyrighted by them. We’ll see how this all plays out. In the meantime, I direct you to the HackMii site to read up on the comments on their more recent posts. There’s some real interesting conversation there on copyright and IP laws.


Via HackMii

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