The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion 2 (Set 2) card details revealed

Cover of SCE's The Eye of Judgement for PS3 - Image 1The Eye of Judgment fans who’ve been waiting on the edge of their seats for details of the new Biolith Rebellion 2 expansion pack will be happy to know that the developers have finally released new information on the upcoming Set 2 cards for the game. Check out the full article for more in-depth details of the new card set offered by Sony Computer Entertainment.

Preview of Set 2 card expansion for SCE's The Eye of Judgement - Image 1 Preview of Set 2 card expansion for SCE's The Eye of Judgement - Image 2 

We’ve previously given fans of Sony Computer Entertainment’s The Eye of Judgment a taste of the upcoming Set 2 expansion pack for the game. The espansion pack features 100 new cards aimed to supplement the original game’s previously released set by giving players more gameplay elements to explore.

The new Biolith Rebellion 2 cards will focus more on deck-based strategy by incorporating more card combos to create a wider variety of decks. Players can expect to see more focused color decks, as well as some colorful theme decks to help them extend their EOJ gaming experience even further.

Here are just some of the new abilities and mechanics that players can expect to see in the new Biolith Rebellion 2 card set:

  • Decoy – Distracts affected enemy creatures so they can only attack target creatures with Decoy
  • Fieldmorph – Changes a target field to the same element as the creature occupying it
  • Intercept – Deals direct damage (half the time) to newly summoned enemy creatures
  • Invocation – Allows you to incarnate a creature onto another creature of the same element or race
  • Magic Protection – Prevents damage from a magic attack
  • Resurrection – If a creature with Resurrection is destroyed and you hold a duplicate in your hand, you many
  • summon the duplicate to the previously occupied field by spending one Mana
  • Return – Allows you to bring your recently defeated creatures back to your hand for one Mana
  • New creatures that cannot be targeted by Spells
  • New creatures that prohibit certain abilities (ex: Dwarf Sniper)
  • The ability to steal exit mana from destroyed creatures
  • The ability to create special Fields (ex: a field that counts as both a Fire Field and a Earth Field)
  • The ability to get cards from your deck library or graveyard
  • The ability to steal exit mana from destroyed creatures
  • Spells that deal direct damage to creatures
  • Spells that influence turns (ex. Aluhjan Spellsheild)

So how can EOJ fans get their hands on this latest set for the game? Once you have your EOJ software bundle registered to the PlayStation Network, you can purchase your “The Eye of Judgment – Biolith Rebellion 2 (Set 2) expansion pack” from the PlayStation Store. This includes all the data for 100 new animations, models and in-game rules, which should work with the PlayStation Eye accessory.

The Eye of Judgment – Biolith Rebellion 2 (Set 2) will be available this March 27 on the PlayStation Network, as well as various retail stores selling the actual Set 2 cards for US$ 3.99 per Booster pack and US$ 14.99 per Theme Deck.

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