The Future of Xbox Live

Xbox LiveYes, we know, you can do a lot of things aside from gaming because of Xbox live. Its new features have become a topic of numerous rumors and researches. Recently, a consumer research team made up a study on what future Live services would consumers be most interested in. The choices include using Xbox Live as a browser; using it to download TV episodes; use it to DVR Television shows; using it to download music concert; download feature films; download music; use it for live video conference with other live users; using it to download cooking shows with famous Japanese celebs; all of the above; some of it; and the last choice is none of the above.

And the people (well 737 people to be exact) have spoken! 174 of them want to see some of the listed services, surprisingly there were a lot who answered that they want the Japanese celebrity cooking show service. And on the tailend of the survey, only a few people want to download music & music concerts through Xbox Live with 7 people only voting for each category.

I don’t know about you but these features look great to me, but then again added features such as these will not come cheap. Most probably, the price you’d have to pay is gonna sky-rocket to alarming amounts. But when the time comes that the official list of services is out and you have the money to pay for them, then enjoy it. Besides with the price of an Xbox, it may be too expensive if all it does is play games.

Xbox LiveYes, we know, you can do a lot of things aside from gaming because of Xbox live. Its new features have become a topic of numerous rumors and researches. Recently, a consumer research team made up a study on what future Live services would consumers be most interested in. The choices include using Xbox Live as a browser; using it to download TV episodes; use it to DVR Television shows; using it to download music concert; download feature films; download music; use it for live video conference with other live users; using it to download cooking shows with famous Japanese celebs; all of the above; some of it; and the last choice is none of the above.

And the people (well 737 people to be exact) have spoken! 174 of them want to see some of the listed services, surprisingly there were a lot who answered that they want the Japanese celebrity cooking show service. And on the tailend of the survey, only a few people want to download music & music concerts through Xbox Live with 7 people only voting for each category.

I don’t know about you but these features look great to me, but then again added features such as these will not come cheap. Most probably, the price you’d have to pay is gonna sky-rocket to alarming amounts. But when the time comes that the official list of services is out and you have the money to pay for them, then enjoy it. Besides with the price of an Xbox, it may be too expensive if all it does is play games.

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