Three-year-old girl dies while mommy’s busy with EverQuest

Enter your TITLE here...Three-year-old girl dies while mommy's busy with EverQuest - Image 1It’s a widely accepted fact that many cultures are accustomed to seeing everyone have kids, sometimes even prescribing that procreation is a must-do for every human being alive. But this is living proof that not everyone should be parents. One mom actually neglects her own three-year-old daughter, unknowingly leaving her to die while she’s busy playing EverQuest. Certainly not an ideal story to come out after Mothers’ Day. All the sordid details after the jump.

EverQuest - Image 1It’s a widely accepted fact that many cultures are accustomed to seeing everyone have kids, sometimes even prescribing that procreation is a must-do for every human being alive. But this is living proof that not everyone should be parents. One mom actually neglects her own three-year-old daughter, unknowingly leaving her to die while she’s busy playing EverQuest. Certainly not an ideal story to come out after Mothers’ Day.

Christina Cordell now faces manslaughter charges after her three-year-old daughter, Brianna, died in the family car after sustaining heat-related injuries. Apparently, mommy was too busy playing EverQuest with her live-in boyfriend when it happened. How the little girl wound up trapped and ended up dead in the family car is still up for investigation.

With that kind of irresponsibility, the mom seriously had this coming, EverQuest or not. Having the game involved just gave rise for “EverCrack” groups to once again voice out against the popular MMORPG. Cordell could easily have been distracted with pretty much anything – a soap opera, a gossip magazine, her boyfriend – and this may still have happened. It’s just unfortunate that gaming and EverQuest suffer another blow all because of her negligence.

Gaming and screwed-up parents:

Via Workbench

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