Time is of the essence: Time Crisis 4 video interview and trailer

We’re sure you guys have been waiting for some eye candy of Time Crisis 4 for the PlayStation 3. Well, you’re in luck as we have a new video interview and a trailer for the hot rail shooter.

For those who’ve been living under a rock for the past year, Time Crisis 4 from Nex Entertainment and Namco Bandai was released in the middle of last year on the arcades. It’s getting ported to the PS3 with a light gun controller, the Guncon 3. The PS3 version will be an FPS instead of just a rail shooter with no control over where you’re looking or going. In the interview, Takashi Satsukawa, director of the upcoming video game, talks about the controls on the Guncon 3. The trailer features the title’s heroes: Giorgio Bruno and Evan Bernard plus Capt. William Rush going against the icky insect swarms of the Terror Bites.

Check out the videos, you’ll surely find Time Crisis 4Guncon 3 interesting. Enjoy!


The video interview come right after the jump!

We’re sure you guys have been waiting for some eye candy of Time Crisis 4 for the PlayStation 3. Well, you’re in luck as we have a new video interview and a trailer for the hot rail shooter.

For those who’ve been living under a rock for the past year, Time Crisis 4 from Nex Entertainment and Namco Bandai was released in the middle of last year on the arcades. It’s getting ported to the PS3 with a light gun controller, the Guncon 3. The PS3 version will be an FPS instead of just a rail shooter with no control over where you’re looking or going. In the interview, Takashi Satsukawa, director of the upcoming video game, talks about the controls on the Guncon 3. The trailer features the title’s heroes: Giorgio Bruno and Evan Bernard plus Capt. William Rush going against the icky insect swarms of the Terror Bites.

Check out the videos, you’ll surely find Time Crisis 4Guncon 3 interesting. Enjoy!

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