TimeManager library v0.1
Now this isn’t a homebrew application per se, but coder Yan2Yan‘s mini library could help other homebrew developers toy around with time functions on the Sony PSP. This would include getting time lapsed in the smaller units of chrono-measurement – all the way down to milliseconds – as well as attempt stopwatch functions with pause and resume functions. More at the full story.
Download: TimeManager v0.1 library
Download: TimeManager v0.1 sample EBOOT
Yan2Yan‘s TimeManager version 0.1 could be a great addition for time-dependent applications and games from some homebrew coders out there, though this one’s particularly made for C, C++ coding environments for the Sony PlayStation Portable.
Homebrew coder Yan2Yan (of Who’s on Fire? fame) spent approximately 30 minutes to spruce up a library to extend time management support for programs needing one, though we’re not exactly sure if it was made for any of the dev’s own upcoming projects.
TimeManager v0.1 has enough functions to behave similarly to a coach’s stopwatch, and aside from keeping track of time elapsed, it can also help you track just how many minutes, seconds, or milliseconds have elapsed since the last Timer_start function was called. The following functions enumerated below are some of the functions that Yan2Yan has tested:
- void timer_start();
- void timer_reset();
- void timer_startPause();
- void timer_endPause();
- timer_getTimeMicroSec();
- timer_getTimeMilliSec();
- timer_getTimeSec();
The author has even included a sample EBOOT to demonstrate TimeManager’s functions much clearer. The first archive included below carries both the library and a C header file for coders, and the second is the sample application using TimeManager’s functions.
There are other functions within the library that haven’t been fully tested yet, so if you do find bugs, let Yan2Yan know about them so they could be addressed in later versions.
Download: TimeManager v0.1 library
Download: TimeManager v0.1 sample EBOOT