Timeshift demo now available on XBL

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Some people would love to go back in time, but that’s definitely a “no” for Xbox 360 owners anticipating Sierra Entertainment‘s time-manipulating first-person shooter. If you drop by XBL today, you’ll find a demo for Timeshift (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) – something you would’ve been waiting for if we were a few days back.

There’s enough time before the game’s October 30 release on Xbox 360 and PC (PS3 version not dated yet), but grabbing the chance to get a taste of chronic action now is not a bad idea. With the ability to stop, reverse, or slow down time, Timeshift promises a fresh FPS experience with puzzle-solving elements that provide breathing space in the middle of time-defying mayhem.

TimeShift screen - Image 1 

Some people would love to go back in time, but that’s definitely a “no” for Xbox 360 owners anticipating Sierra Entertainment‘s time-manipulating first-person shooter. If you drop by XBL today, you’ll find a demo for Timeshift (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) – something you would’ve been waiting for if we were a few days back.

There’s enough time before the game’s October 30 release on Xbox 360 and PC (PS3 version not dated yet), but grabbing the chance to get a taste of chronic action now is not a bad idea. With the ability to stop, reverse, or slow down time, Timeshift promises a fresh FPS experience with puzzle-solving elements that provide breathing space in the middle of time-defying mayhem.

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