To buy or not: game pros on Wii and PS3

PS3 or WiiIndeed, November is one big, exciting month for most gamers, with the PS3 and Wii release. And while most people are waiting in line, preparing to camp out at stores, fighting over next gen console supremacy, venting out their frustrations on poor, hopeless individuals, or cooking up predictions of their own, Gamasutra asks various game professionals this question:

As a video game professional, are you buying a Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo’s Wii or both on their North American launch later next week? How are you securing your console (eBay, pre-order, queue?), and what underpinned your buying decision?

The response churned out more or less eight pages, most of which state that they’re getting Nintendo’s innovative console this year. Why? Well, the much-hyped up controller is one reason, another would be its “non-gamer friendly” premise, and the fun factor that you could share among your friends (as opposed to hours and hours of tedious gameplay), and well, there’s its “cheap” price tag.

Of course, there are those who “abstained” and said that they’re neither getting one during launch. There are also those who said that they’re happy with their Xbox 360s and PS2s, while some say that Sony’s PS3 is the best pick among the three.

PS3 or WiiIndeed, November is one big, exciting month for most gamers, with the PS3 and Wii release. And while most people are waiting in line, preparing to camp out at stores, fighting over next gen console supremacy, venting out their frustrations on poor, hopeless individuals, or cooking up predictions of their own, Gamasutra asks various game professionals this question:

As a video game professional, are you buying a Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo’s Wii or both on their North American launch later next week? How are you securing your console (eBay, pre-order, queue?), and what underpinned your buying decision?

The response churned out more or less eight pages, most of which state that they’re getting Nintendo’s innovative console this year. Why? Well, the much-hyped up controller is one reason, another would be its “non-gamer friendly” premise, and the fun factor that you could share among your friends (as opposed to hours and hours of tedious gameplay), and well, there’s its “cheap” price tag.

Of course, there are those who “abstained” and said that they’re neither getting one during launch. There are also those who said that they’re happy with their Xbox 360s and PS2s, while some say that Sony’s PS3 is the best pick among the three.

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