To come for Gears of War: new versus multiplayer

Get your head in the gear, soldier! - Image 1Sequel or no sequel (or movie), people are still busy getting their Gears of War into gear. Well, make room for just a bit more cog in the COG. TeamXbox reports that Epic Games has a coming game update in the Microsoft certification pipeline that offers the following “Approved-by-Dom” goodies:

  • 720p for VGA users running at 1280×1024
  • Brand new multiplayer gametype called “Annex.”

No details about Annex were offered other than the opinion from play testers that “it is our best multiplayer gametype yet,” so when the Epic poster says that more details are in the offing next week, our ears are already up and waiting. Oh, and the update will be free, they said. You gotta love those guys.

Get your head in the gear, soldier! - Image 1Sequel or no sequel (or movie), people are still busy getting their Gears of War into gear. Well, make room for just a bit more cog in the COG. TeamXbox reports that Epic Games has a coming game update in the Microsoft certification pipeline that offers the following “Approved-by-Dom” goodies:

  • 720p for VGA users running at 1280×1024
  • Brand new multiplayer gametype called “Annex.”

No details about Annex were offered other than the opinion from play testers that “it is our best multiplayer gametype yet,” so when the Epic poster says that more details are in the offing next week, our ears are already up and waiting. Oh, and the update will be free, they said. You gotta love those guys.

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