Tomb Raider Anniversary: Wii controls video

One of video gaming’s most beloved (and most well-endowed) legends is celebrating her anniversary with a remake of her first adventure, Tomb Raider Anniversary, on the Wii, PS2, PC and the PSP. And to look at the new features implemented in the Nintendo Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary is this latest trailer video from the guys over at Eidos Interactive. Let’s take a gander and see what’s up with the goddess of tank tops and khaki shorts.

In this video, we see Lara once more doing what she does best – raiding tombs, and how certain Wiimote and Nunchuck movements make that particular hobby of Lara’s a little bit easier. Shaking the Nunchuck makes Lara shimmy herself from side to side faster, while a flicking motion unleashes the Croft lady’s grappling hook (for all your grappling needs). Nifty.

Check the new-and-improved controls in action from the video embed below. Enjoy!

One of video gaming’s most beloved (and most well-endowed) legends is celebrating her anniversary with a remake of her first adventure, Tomb Raider Anniversary, on the Wii, PS2, PC and the PSP. And to look at the new features implemented in the Nintendo Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary is this latest trailer video from the guys over at Eidos Interactive. Let’s take a gander and see what’s up with the goddess of tank tops and khaki shorts.

In this video, we see Lara once more doing what she does best – raiding tombs, and how certain Wiimote and Nunchuck movements make that particular hobby of Lara’s a little bit easier. Shaking the Nunchuck makes Lara shimmy herself from side to side faster, while a flicking motion unleashes the Croft lady’s grappling hook (for all your grappling needs). Nifty.

Check the new-and-improved controls in action from the video embed below. Enjoy!

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