Toshiba HD DVD sales not performing as well as expected

Toshiba HD DVD sales not performing as well as expected - Image 1 Toshiba has reportedly announced that it will be scaling back its expected target of 1.8 million HD DVD players released in Canada and the U.S. down to 1 million. This drastic 44% drop has been attributed to low sales of their players in both markets.

Most are finding this surprising considering that Toshiba recently announced it was leading the market and holds 60 percent of the disc player business versus its opponent, Blu-Ray.

Apparently, those facts, while true did not account for the PlayStation 3. The reason they weren’t included in the equation according to Universal Studios Home Entertainment VP Ken Graffeo is that they believe people purchasing the said system are not a major movie market.

Most PS3 owners buy movies only sparingly compared to those who buy the players alone. Consumers who are buying Playstation 3 are buying it as a game console. They’re simply not buying it for watching as many high-definition movies as Sony said they would.

Nonetheless, it appears that the format wars have really taken its toll not only on the consumers but the creators of hardware themselves. A lot of people have been holding out to see which group would win before they decide to invest their hard earned money on it. After all, who would buy a thousand dollar movie player if it was to be deemed obsolete by next year? Keep checking back for the latest industry news here on

Via Electronista

Toshiba HD DVD sales not performing as well as expected - Image 1 Toshiba has reportedly announced that it will be scaling back its expected target of 1.8 million HD DVD players released in Canada and the U.S. down to 1 million. This drastic 44% drop has been attributed to low sales of their players in both markets.

Most are finding this surprising considering that Toshiba recently announced it was leading the market and holds 60 percent of the disc player business versus its opponent, Blu-Ray.

Apparently, those facts, while true did not account for the PlayStation 3. The reason they weren’t included in the equation according to Universal Studios Home Entertainment VP Ken Graffeo is that they believe people purchasing the said system are not a major movie market.

Most PS3 owners buy movies only sparingly compared to those who buy the players alone. Consumers who are buying Playstation 3 are buying it as a game console. They’re simply not buying it for watching as many high-definition movies as Sony said they would.

Nonetheless, it appears that the format wars have really taken its toll not only on the consumers but the creators of hardware themselves. A lot of people have been holding out to see which group would win before they decide to invest their hard earned money on it. After all, who would buy a thousand dollar movie player if it was to be deemed obsolete by next year? Keep checking back for the latest industry news here on

Via Electronista

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