Toys R Us stocking Bioshock early?

Bioshock available at Toys R Us - Image 1Reports are coming in that people have managed to buy an early copy of BioShock from Toys R Us. Whether it’s an early release, a media promotions event or a shipment error is still unclear.

One report from Nike Talk forums comes from iceman3699 who said he just saw it behind the glass counter while he was out to buy Madden NFL 08 at Toys R Us and simply asked for it.

What’s more is that he bought it during a promotion from Madden where the second game you buy is half off. Then he used a 20% off coupon. Result? Bioshock for US$ 29.99.

The receipt pictured is from North Bergen, New Jersey but if one has it chances are most of the others do. One account from Joystiq said that his local branch in Virginia will also have them stocked.

(Suddenly a massive stampede is heard around the world heading in the direction of the nearest Toys R Us branches.)

Via Nike Talk

Bioshock available at Toys R Us - Image 1Reports are coming in that people have managed to buy an early copy of BioShock from Toys R Us. Whether it’s an early release, a media promotions event or a shipment error is still unclear.

One report from Nike Talk forums comes from iceman3699 who said he just saw it behind the glass counter while he was out to buy Madden NFL 08 at Toys R Us and simply asked for it.

What’s more is that he bought it during a promotion from Madden where the second game you buy is half off. Then he used a 20% off coupon. Result? Bioshock for US$ 29.99.

The receipt pictured is from North Bergen, New Jersey but if one has it chances are most of the others do. One account from Joystiq said that his local branch in Virginia will also have them stocked.

(Suddenly a massive stampede is heard around the world heading in the direction of the nearest Toys R Us branches.)

Via Nike Talk

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