TR not in closed beta yet, aww

CuppaJoYes, the beta sign-up for the game went live a few days ago. No, the game is not in closed Beta yet. Why so? Well Cuppa Jo explains that the it will be at least a month before closed beta starts.

She also adds that if you won a beta slot via a contest or some sort of promotion, you do not need to fill out the beta sign up form. Contest winners are automatically part of the first wave of the closed beta.

As for when the beta will start? Here’s what Cuppa Jo had to say:

How will you know when beta starts? I’ll let you know via a news announcement here and via MySpace bulletin, so either subscribe to our RSS feed or become a friend of ours at and we’ll let you know!

Of course we here at QJ will let you know as well. Stay tuned for the latest Tabula Rasa news and updates!

Via Stratics

CuppaJoYes, the beta sign-up for the game went live a few days ago. No, the game is not in closed Beta yet. Why so? Well Cuppa Jo explains that the it will be at least a month before closed beta starts.

She also adds that if you won a beta slot via a contest or some sort of promotion, you do not need to fill out the beta sign up form. Contest winners are automatically part of the first wave of the closed beta.

As for when the beta will start? Here’s what Cuppa Jo had to say:

How will you know when beta starts? I’ll let you know via a news announcement here and via MySpace bulletin, so either subscribe to our RSS feed or become a friend of ours at and we’ll let you know!

Of course we here at QJ will let you know as well. Stay tuned for the latest Tabula Rasa news and updates!

Via Stratics

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