Trailer video for MGS: Digital Graphic Novel 2

The Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Party is really blowing our minds! A lot of revelations have been made so far and fans of MGS: Digital Graphic Novel will be delighted to know that Hideo Kojima and Konami have not forgotten them entirely. Folks, we give to you the trailer video for MGS: Digital Graphic Novel 2.

This was announced together with the new full retail game MGS 2: Bande Dessinee. Anyway, like the previous digital graphic novel, this next iteration should provide all fans with a good background of and insight into the whole Metal Gear Solid universe. We’ll leave you with the video now and inform you as more things come up.

The Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Party is really blowing our minds! A lot of revelations have been made so far and fans of MGS: Digital Graphic Novel will be delighted to know that Hideo Kojima and Konami have not forgotten them entirely. Folks, we give to you the trailer video for MGS: Digital Graphic Novel 2.

This was announced together with the new full retail game MGS 2: Bande Dessinee. Anyway, like the previous digital graphic novel, this next iteration should provide all fans with a good background of and insight into the whole Metal Gear Solid universe. We’ll leave you with the video now and inform you as more things come up.

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