Truth or rumor: Firefox for the Wii?

Firefox + Nintendo Wii = Burning Wii. - Image 1  

Since there’s no actual way to represent a Firefox-Wii combination, allow the above bit of humble Photoshoppery to suffice. We’re still calling this a rumor until verified, but according to one site, Firefox is headed the way of the Wii.

Gaming Phreak’s Jeff Couret wrote an article saying, “The popular free browser is coming soon to the Nintendo Wii, says Satoru Iwata.” With the exception of the hack that allowed someone to check out the Wii Shop Channel using Firefox, we haven’t heard anything about this.

Couret also mentions that some rather interesting features. They’ll be implementing a new scrolling method they’re calling “motion-browse,” which lets you do specific browsing tasks by moving the Wiimote in a certain fashion. There will also be predictive text input to speed up writing to around 50 words a minute, says the article.

A couple of things. First, while this is plausible, the article has no source to back it up. Second, the Firefox browser will supposedly be a free download. Wouldn’t that be counterintuitive, seeing as Nintendo already has Opera? Furthermore, if this is such a big thing, why doesn’t the Mozilla Foundation have any update on this development?

Lastly, and perhaps more importantly, how many “Burning Wii” jokes will we endure as a result of this rumor? Till we find some answers, this is definitely one piece of info going into our rumor mill.

Firefox + Nintendo Wii = Burning Wii. - Image 1  

Since there’s no actual way to represent a Firefox-Wii combination, allow the above bit of humble Photoshoppery to suffice. We’re still calling this a rumor until verified, but according to one site, Firefox is headed the way of the Wii.

Gaming Phreak’s Jeff Couret wrote an article saying, “The popular free browser is coming soon to the Nintendo Wii, says Satoru Iwata.” With the exception of the hack that allowed someone to check out the Wii Shop Channel using Firefox, we haven’t heard anything about this.

Couret also mentions that some rather interesting features. They’ll be implementing a new scrolling method they’re calling “motion-browse,” which lets you do specific browsing tasks by moving the Wiimote in a certain fashion. There will also be predictive text input to speed up writing to around 50 words a minute, says the article.

A couple of things. First, while this is plausible, the article has no source to back it up. Second, the Firefox browser will supposedly be a free download. Wouldn’t that be counterintuitive, seeing as Nintendo already has Opera? Furthermore, if this is such a big thing, why doesn’t the Mozilla Foundation have any update on this development?

Lastly, and perhaps more importantly, how many “Burning Wii” jokes will we endure as a result of this rumor? Till we find some answers, this is definitely one piece of info going into our rumor mill.

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